Venture proves more to explore on the Arizona Strip

Our caravan of ATVs and UTVs snakes along a sage-studded desert trail. The route we take is a fun, undulating two-track trail on the Arizona Strip that runs along Fort Pierce Wash, just a few miles southeast of St. George.

The group stops south of the fort at a historic site where our lead guide, Glen Zumwalt, walks us to a sandstone wall covered at the base with faded “pioneer glyphs.” The age-old names, local Fred Lewis tells us, were painted on the rock in the 1800s by pioneers who used axle grease from their wagons to leave their marks. Back then the path was well known as the Honeymoon Trail.

It’s clear from our guides’ speech and actions they both have a great love for the land and it’s not just something they’re taught as guides to lead the trip. They emit a sense of stewardship and pride in the land and a love of sharing their passion for this place with others. Their enthusiasm fills me with anticipation for a promising day ahead. I’m curious to see what more they will reveal about the desert and surrounding hills that I’ve also come to love.

As Zumwalt continues along the trail, wildlife begins to appear. Birds dart across the desert, their wings fluttering just inches above cholla cactus. A long, slender road runner dashes out and disappears back into the underbrush.

Our path crosses many forks in the road; each one leaves me longing to return with my family to explore the roads less traveled and to share with them the knowledge Zumwalt and Lewis share.

I met Glen and Judy Zumwalt on opening day of the Tri State Jamboree. I’d driven out to the Purgatory Fairgrounds to sign up and had a tough time choosing one of several dozen guide-led rides the club members and volunteers offered. I was thrilled by the wide selection; from the Danish Ranch Trail on the Dixie National Forest, to the Hog Canyon Trail on BLM lands in Kanab to rides just outside of St. George on BLM lands in Utah and Arizona.

Hundreds of people milled about the booths poring over the descriptions of each ride; each person looked as torn as I in choosing. Chatting with the Zumwalts helped me hone in and I chose the ride Glen would guide to Seegmiller Mountain. I also learned from the Zumwalts and fellow volunteer James Bird of the massive effort and man hours more than 110 local volunteers and club members put into the event year round to make it so successful.

Bird trained 85 guides in trail etiquette and public lands stewardship in order to lead each trip and volunteers spent more than 100 hours traveling the routes beforehand to ensure each one was safe for travel. The group also volunteers hours every year on trail cleanup and maintenance projects.

On trip day, I met Zumwalt and the Seegmiller Mountain group at the Purgatory Fairgrounds and learned that participants came from as far as Canada, New Mexico, and Oregon, to neighboring California, and Cedar City — all to explore the exquisite landscapes that surround my beautiful community.

As we load up everyone is bundled, but by 10:30 a.m. the chill in the morning air is gone. The heat from the Rhino’s engine and the sun’s rays seep into my skin and warm me to the core. I shed layers and shut out the thought of the time I’ll later spend scrubbing layers of road dust from my skin.

But the dirt doesn’t bother me. The spring weather is perfect and I relish the cool spring breeze. It refreshes me. My focus snaps to the present and I welcome everything about this place, especially its stark contrast to my 9 to 5 environment. The din of the office is a memory. Ring tones and text alerts don’t exist. Obligations have no hold on me and the desert’s wide open spaces means freedom to me.

When the group members circle the ATVs near the old Seegmiller spring for a lunch break, all I hear is the wind. It’s peaceful — and I stop to savor it. To the south is Seegmiller Mountain where a few small, white snow patches are still visible at the peak.

The riders remove their helmets and goggles and peel handkerchiefs off their faces while digging out their lunches. Some sit on ATVs or camp chairs they’d strapped aboard, while others stand and stretch. Everyone eats and drinks in peace and solace. I’m amazed how quickly such a simple setting can leave strangers feeling comfortable and at home with each other.

Joe Indorato of Cedar City captures well what’s on my mind.

“You’re going down Interstate 15 and you’d never know there was so much beauty out here,” he said.

He’s right.

Yet even with all I see and learn by exploring this small portion of the vastness of the Arizona Strip, I realize there’s still so much more left to discover and explore in my own backyard and I can’t wait to return here again another day with friends and family.

Rachel Tueller is the public affairs officer for the Arizona Strip District.

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