Mongolia Travel: Discover the Glorious History and Wonderful Architecture
If you want a travel destination that is far more exciting/exotic/eye-opening than your standard go-to beach/wilderness/world city holiday getaway, Mongolia is definitely the place to visit. The country has everything you need for an adventurous travel, especially for those who are not afraid to delve into new cultural experiences. Here are legitimate reasons why you should choose Mongolia as your next go-to destination:
• Mongolia has an unlimited countryside where you can go on hours and days-worth of peaceful scenic driving—a perfect way to get lost and take in the beauty of the country’s natural surroundings. The creatures that you will share the space with won’t fail to mesmerize and you will likely see more animals than people as you embark on a joyride through the sprawling countryside. It’s been said that there are 15 animals to one person in the land (45 million versus 3 million), so you will have no shortage of wildlife to see. Terelj National Park is the perfect rest stop if you want to experience Mongolia’s rich wildlife.
• The local architecture is definitely unique to the country as it is adapted to Mongolia’s natural environment, nomadic living conditions, and climate. Traditional nomads and even modern-day Mongolians who still practice nomadic traditions inhabit gers or tents, which can easily be erected and then taken down—characteristic of the country’s architecture which reside in simplicity, flexibility, adaptation, and ease of adaptation and transport. As a tourist, you can enjoy the pleasure of sleeping in these extremely cozy mobile homes, hosted by a tremendously hospitable family of nomadic Mongols. These white dome tents may look plain and un-enticing from the outside, if not for their colorful entrances, but their insides are quite a treat, both for the eyes and for your tired body aftera day’s worth of exciting activities. The Buddhist monasteries are also a part of Mongolia’s architectural culture that’s worth mentioning for their equally interesting structures along with wooden bridges and other amazing construction marvels.
• History buffs will also drool over the fact that they are roaming the land of Genghis Khan and his sons, who in the 14th century ruled the biggest empire in ancient and modern history, much bigger than the Roman Empire. The Mongolian empire formed the largest land empire that covered a huge part of Russia, Central, and Southeast Asia. Nomadic tribes still practice their traditions, making Mongolia the perfect place to explore history at its finest.
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