Think Living In A Hotel Sounds Fabulous? Not Always…

4. Staff will either hate you, or love you
Depending on how you handle yourself in the scenarios described above, hotel staff will either love you or hate you, there is no in-between. This is more evident in business travel scenarios because of all the pressure and stressors described further above, and less evident in a vacation scenario, unless you’re celebrating a milestone such as an anniversary or honeymoon. In India, for example, the hotel will bend over backwards to make you happy, and the people really find a way to win your heart, no matter how bad the situation may be. In the UK, the hotel will make the bare minimum effort required to fix a problem, and will push back if you insist: “sorry sir, its hotel policy” is a common phrase you will find. Also, UK staff will make no effort to apologize, and if they do, it will be totally fake just to get you off their backs. In the US, you may get a mix of both, but staff tends to be extremely efficient, something that other cultures might interpret as being rude. In the modern middle east, hotels will always treat you as if you were a dignitary, and things will be typically very formal. In short, depending on which part of the world you are in, you will get different reactions.

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