Great Barrier Reef Tops World’s Best Places To Visit In US News & World Report Annual Rankings

Photo: listcrux

The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s “best place to visit,” according to U.S. News World Report.

In its annual rankings of the Best Vacation Destinations, the popular Australian destination led a top three list rounded out by Paris and Bora, Bora, French Polynesia.

U.S. News World Report offered up its lists for world rankings, as well as region-specific lists, including the United States and the Caribbean. Every year, the magazine analyzes more than 250 destinations using a methodology it says “combines travelers’ opinions with expert analysis.” U.S. News also ranks the best destinations in Europe, Mexico, Canada, Asia, Africa and The Middle East, Central and South America, and Australia and The Pacific.

The Grand Canyon topped the U.S. list, followed by Maui and Yellowstone National Park. In the Caribbean, the top three were the British Virgin Islands, St. Lucia and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

In Canada, Vancouver, Toronto and Banff ranked tops.

Best beaches were the Cayman Islands, Bora Bora and Kauai; Best Islands ranked Santorini, Bora, Bora and St. Martin. The best inexpensive vacations included Yellowstone, Fort Lauderdale, FL, and Ocean City, MD. And top summer vacation destinations were Maui, Santorini and Fiji.

The U.S. News annual rankings include dozens more lists; like Top Honeymoon Destinations, Weekend Getaways; Best Fall, Winter and Spring Vacations; and Best Places to Hike in North America.

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