Crystal redeploying mega-yacht to Caribbean

Crystal Cruises said its 62-passenger mega-yacht, the
Crystal Esprit, will be redeployed to the Caribbean in November 2017.

The yacht has
been sailing in the Adriatic in the summer and in the Seychelles in the winter.

“The decision to reposition Crystal Esprit to the West
Indies is one that was made with our guests’ expressed wishes in mind,”
Crystal CEO Edie Rodriguez said. She said gusts particularly wanted closer
proximity to major travel hubs.

The Esprit will sail roundtrip on Sundays from Marigot Bay,
St. Martin, on two alternating seven-day routes. One itinerary will feature
calls in St. Barthelemy and four locations in the British Virgin Islands.

A second itinerary will take the Esprit to Anguilla, Saba, Nevis,
St. Barthelemy and St. Martin.

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