Caribbean Countries Open For American Tourists This Winter

Barbados officially reopened for American tourists as of July 12020.

All travellers are required to complete the online Immigration and Customs Form at least 72 hours prior to your arrival in Barbados.

Tourists coming from the United States must:

  • Bring a negative PCR test within 72 hours of departure
  • If the test is not validated or the health screening brings doubt, another test will be given upon arrival. The passenger must await results at the airport or a government facility. 
  • After leaving the airport, the passenger will be quarantined for 14 days at a designated holding hotel or approved villa at their own expense (or government facility for free) and will be monitored daily for symptoms. 
  • On day 5-7 of the 14 day quarantine, the passenger can take another PCR test and will be released from quarantine if negative. 

See the complete details on Barbados Reopening and all entry requirements.

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