Once COVID is over, don’t waste time on your travels

“Still not open?” I am sure the sales agent  at the Frenchman’s Reef Hotel in St. Thomas detected the surprise in my voice. It seems my travelers hoping for a winter escape to the place where they had celebrated their honeymoon 10 years ago would have to wait until late fall — or maybe the spring of 2022 — to visit this popular resort. 

“Hurricane Irma hit us pretty bad a couple years ago,” he continued, ” and, then, just as we were starting to make progress and rebuild again, covid arrived.  Getting building supplies to the island and having a consistently healthy work force has been a challenge. The journey back is taking much longer than we ever expected.”

Boy!  Did I feel bad. Here I sit whining about 9 months of being forced to have my travel agency work remotely due to covid while this poor hotel in St. Thomas is trying to rebuild after two years. How sad is that? Sometimes, we just need to pause and take inventory to realize how very lucky we really are.

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