‘There were four of us on our honeymoon’ – Graham Bell on his most memorable travels

There were four of us on our honeymoon in St Lucia

I was there with my wife, Sarah, when a couple of our friends turned up. We had no idea they were coming – and they had no idea we’d be there – but it was really nice because it gave Sarah someone to lounge with. She’s happy in a hammock reading a book, whereas I don’t do relaxation that well, so she sunbathed with her friend Gitte, while I went off windsurfing and water-skiing with Gitte’s husband Neil. We had dinner together most nights and we were all on the cocktails!

The best view I’ve ever had was from the Villarrica volcano, near Pucòn in the south of Chile

If you look out to the coast, you can see the Pacific Ocean, and if you look the other way, you can see the Andes – then in between the two, there’s a line of volcanoes. I was on a ski tour and we’d hiked to the top of the volcano with skis on. It’s an active volcano, so it sometimes erupts, and we could see lava bubbling in the crater. It wasn’t spitting anything up that day, but it did smell of rotten eggs.

My wife was once stuck with no clothes after taking the wrong bag from the airport carousel

We were staying in a tiny French ski resort, three hours from Geneva airport, and when Sarah opened the bag at the hotel, she realised it wasn’t hers. I was racing, so it was three days before I could drive back to the airport. There were no other women, so Sarah had to borrow clothes from the smallest guy on the ski team. When Sarah flew home, she got talking to the woman sitting next to her, and asked: “How was your week?” The woman said: “It was great, but someone took my bag from the carousel!”

The best oysters I’ve ever tasted were in Tokyo

I had them in the main fish market and they were massive. It was December 2019, and I was there filming ahead of the 2020 Olympics. While I was out there, I decided to learn Japanese, for when I went back in the summer to cover the Olympics. I’d only planned to spend six months learning the language, but, of course, Covid postponed the Games, so now I’ve been doing Rosetta Stone for over a year. I’m learning to read Japanese, too. Annoyingly there are three alphabets, but I’m getting there!

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