Caribbean destinations earn top honors for upcoming vacations

Dianne Newcomer

The next trip…isn’t if fun to dream about it?

According to Alexander Britell, the Editor-in-Chief of CARIBBEAN JOURNAL, planning our next vacation has become one of the greatest “antidotes to the creeping monotony in our lives today.”

Then, to that “creeping monotony” line he added, “Travel makes our lives interesting, it sustains us; it expands our horizons; it teaches; it  creates lifelong memories. Unfortunately, for a good portion of a year, all that was taken away, leaving us with the constant  reminder of just how important traveling is for all of us.”

Hold on a minute! While we have been sitting at home bemoaning the loss of travel, Mr. Britell reminds us the islands of the Caribbean got busy. They quit dreaming and did something about it.  After all, travel is the backbone of most island economies. It is not indispensable, and that explains why–since early June– the islands have been open for business.

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