V&A eyes cruise terminal

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Last week, the Waterfront owners announced a R198-billion contribution to the GDP in the past 10 years. PICTURE: WILLEM LAW


Cape Town – The VA Waterfront owners have set their sights on developing Cape Town’s first cruise liner terminal.

Waterfront owners Growthpoint are preparing their bid for a dedicated cruise liner terminal as the area had the country’s oldest working harbour and would be a “logical fit” because of its proximity to the port.

David Green, chief executive of the Waterfront, said with its range of hotel offerings, leisure activities and possibly a cruise liner terminal at the mixed-use destination, the Waterfront’s GDP could increase by 51 percent.

Last week, the Waterfront owners announced a R198-billion contribution to the GDP in the past 10 years. The company also reported that 23 million people visited the attraction each year.

“Future development could add an additional 16 000 jobs in the next 10 years,” Green said.

The Transnet Ports Authority advertised proposals for the cruise liner terminal with the deadline for bids on October 16.


Tourism and Economic Development MEC Alan Winde said: “I would welcome a private sector-led cruise liner terminal being developed at the Waterfront.” – Cape Times

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