Positive article about Curaçao nominated for Caribbean Travel Writers Award 2013

ArticleWILLEMSTAD – The article was published in the Netherlands’ largest mind style magazine ‘Happinez’, “The silent power of Curaçao’, in April 2013 has been nominated for the Caribbean Travel Writers Award 2013.

Caribbean Travel Writers Award

The Caribbean Travel Writers Award is a prize that was created several years ago by the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) for journalists and media who write about the Caribbean and with their article contribute in a positive way to tourism in the Caribbean. The entries, articles published between October 2012 and September 2013, will be judged by an independent jury .

Article “The Silent power Of Curaçao’

The 12 page article was published last April in the largest Dutch mind style magazine Happinez with a range of 210,000 readers at home and abroad. The article describes the undiscovered places and special people in Curaçao in the following themes:

Yoga, healing and wellness

Nature, sports and culture

Eating, drinking and sleeping

The article is the result of a collaboration between travel journalist and lyricist Monique Jansse (Happy Soul Travel), photographer Eef Ouwehand (Eef Photography) and producer Brenda Altorf (Special Curaçao).

The award ceremony will take place on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 during the Caribbean Media Workshop in Hoofddorp, the Netherlands.

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