Expand Your Experience Of Life through India Volunteering Programs

This article provides a brief overview of popular volunteering service opportunities in India and captures the essence of how these are snapped up by the Western world as intense training and life-transforming experiences.

They say that gratitude is a powerful attitude. If you’ve ever found yourself soaked in gratitude for the blessing that is your life, you’ll know that this is completely true. When you’re grateful, you would automatically feel fulfilled to attract people, events and resources that mirror your mighty attitude. Sadly, the consumer-driven lifestyle of the modern world only teaches you to seek more for less – more gratification for less effort. Gratitude remains a forgotten virtue.

Volunteering is great way to get out of this rut. When you volunteer, you are automatically thrown out of that self-centered domain. As you share life with those who are less fortunate, you learn to appreciate the blessings in your life. You are forced to acknowledge the wonder that is your life, even as you help others seek wonder in theirs. As you actively empower others’ lives, you discover your own powerful state. It is for this reason that volunteering programs have become increasingly popular over the past few decades. And what better location than exotic India – that sacred wonderland that promises glimpses of heaven, on earth! Volunteering service opportunities in India are lapped up by the Western world, as they recognize this as the huge life changing opportunity. A volunteer program based out of India enables them to sample rustic Indian life, while the exposure forces them to stop taking themselves and their world for granted. They return transformed, fulfilled and incredibly grateful for the experience.

Volunteering service opportunities in India can be full time or part time. Some of the popular opportunities include:

Programs to educate India:

These typically make use of your education to fuel India’s literacy. You can choose to teach English or core subjects, either in an informal environment or at rural schools and government institutions. These can be offered as a summer-time program that includes working with children during the week, and travel during the weekend. This is a mighty popular program as it fulfills both needs of the Western visitor, the need to volunteer and soak new experiences and the thirst to travel length and breadth of a foreign land.

Empowerment programs for women:

These are typically full-time and hence offer a more intense volunteering experience. You learn to work with Indian women from modest to economically backward backgrounds, as you gently train them to step out of their comfort zone and empower themselves.

Internship programs:

These can be physically and demanding volunteering programs as you chose to intern in one of India’s less economically endowed institutions. In this category, medical and dental internships are the most commonly sought internships.

Volunteer-tourism programs:

These programs allow you to work with any of the popular volunteering programs, but additionally take time out to actively travel and explore the country. These kinds of programs draw several curious visitors, eager to sample Indian life in all its dimensions.

When done right, your tryst with volunteer work in India can re-initiate you back into the powerful state of gratitude. However, it is up to you to take the first step to sign up. Are you ready?

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