Travel Tip: How You Can Volunteer During Your Cruise

carnivalIf you’ve ever thought about giving back on your next vacation, your cruise line may already be one step ahead of you.

Carnival Corporation is launching a new ship called Fathom next April. Formerly called Adonia, this 710-passenger ship will sail weekly to Amber Cove in the Dominican Republic, where passengers can participate in volunteer projects such as cultivating cacao plants and building necessary water filtration systems.

Crystal Cruises offers free voluntourism excursions on upcoming voyages. The “You Care, We Care” program includes programs like sorting donations at a food bank in British Columbia, spending time with elderly residents in Dubrovnik, and working with endangered marine life in Barcelona.

And if you’re really serious about donating your professional skills, check out Mercy Ships. This is a floating hospital that provides necessary care in Africa where medical care is limited. They can always use hands-on help from doctors, dentists and physical therapists, as well as donations for upcoming voyages.

To learn about more voluntourism opportunities worldwide, check out:

Keep reading for more travel tips.



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