Cyprus's National Plant: Absolutely Beautiful!

Τhe national plant of Cyprus (the Cyprus cyclamen: Cyclamen cyprium), chosen as such by decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic on February 1st 2006, succeeding a suggestion submitted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment and a recommendation of the Department of Forests.

Why Specify a National Plant?

In reality there are no singular reasons for a country to stipulate a national plant or national tree. It is somewhat a communication and cultural feature, since most countries in the world have specified such national symbols. Certainly, some countries have specified a national bird and /or animal. Each country shadows different procedures for the collection of these symbols, contingent on the various cultures, the legislation and the prospects of the people in the respective country. In some countries the process entails a sample questionnaire or referendum, in some other places it is conceded out succeeding consultations and endorsement by the assembly or even with a high-level decree. This action is, consequently, mostly a formality but it has at the same time an environmental, cultural and often historic importance.


The generic name Cyclamen is similar with the Greek Cyclos, ‘a circle’, and refers either to the round tuber or the round leaves, or possibly the circular twisting of the fruiting peduncle. The species has been named cyprium, due to the fact that its description was based on samples collected from Cyprus, where the plant is widespread.

Cyprus cyclamen is a recurrent, tuberous herb 8-20 cm high and is incredibly beautiful and its ability to photosynthesise is astonishing. It has cordate, simple, rather plump leaves, which have long petioles and indelicately dentate margins. The lower surface of lamina has a characteristic rich purple or crimson-purple colour. The flowers are solitary, nodding, on long pedicels; the corolla is profoundly 5-lobed, pale pink or white, with an obvious M-shaped magenta mark near the base of each lobe. The sweetly aromatic flowers appear in autumn, typically a little in advance of the leaves. Soon after anthesis, the pedicels begin winding from apex downwards and a globose capsule appears on each pedicel.

If you are interested in wildlife and exploring then Cyprus is definitely the place  of choice. If living in Cyprus is your goal and would like to be a part of the beautiful atmosphere then please do not hesitate and feel free to contact Global Property Wealth for more information on this regard.


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