The ‘Virginia Blues’ hit and the reality of hiking for 6 months has sunk in
Editor’s Note: Joshua Yearout is a Bonita Springs man who is hiking the Appalachian Trail, beginning April 2016. His trail name is OmPi. He will be sharing dispatches from his travels with
BUCHANAN, Virginia — The last two weeks have flown by, which I attribute to the longer days. I rise earlier and hike longer and later into the day. On the positive side this allows me to do more miles but it also leaves me exhausted and ready for bed when I get to camp. The early part of last week I was also struck by what thru-hikers call “the Virginia Blues.” This is where the honeymoon period of the trail starts to wear off and the reality of being in the woods for 6 months starts to kick in.
In my previous update I was just leaving Damascus, Virginia, after my birthday and a few zero mile days to allow what turned out to be tendonitis in my right ankle to rest and heal. Leaving town is always hard: new people you haven’t seen recently are constantly coming in. And the comfort of modern conveniences like electricity, hot showers and fresh food form a vortex that suck the weak into more days off the trail. I fought against everything in me to get up and moving and made my way back to the AT. The first few days were fine and filled with some beautiful portions of Virginia, including the Grayson Highlands where wild ponies roam.
Wild Ponies! Mom you would have loved the #GraysonHighlands we will hike it one day.
A photo posted by @ompihikes on May 30, 2016 at 7:11am PDT
The farther I got into Virginia I realized that I had been lied to and that Virginia is not flat. I had been told from the beginning of my planning to take it easy the first three states because you would make up miles in Virginia. Well it is true that miles increase but not because the trail gets easier. It is because you have more light in the day and you have started to figure out your routines, giving you more time to hike. Sure I am more often doing 20 mile days but it isn’t because Virginia is flat or easy. Honestly, I wouldn’t have it flat or easy because I have experienced so much beauty in Virginia so far.
The blues really kicked in last week after three solid days of substantial rains that soaked me and the trail to the core; compound that with longer miles, constant subtle pain, home sickness, minimal creature comforts, and the realization that you still have four more months and over 1,400 miles to go. It’s no surprise that people are regularly rethinking if the Appalachian Trail is really for them. It took a few conversations with other hikers, previous successful thru-hikers, my mother, and my partner to really start to bring a positive outlook back to the trail.
The path that leads to tomorrow’s adventure. #appalachiantrail #at2016
A photo posted by @ompihikes on Jun 5, 2016 at 8:06pm PDT
At this same time the weather also broke and the trail provided days of exceptional views and experiences. I often reflect and consider if my downcast mental state was the result of all these external influences or what and how I was thinking created the negative experiences I was having. How much did I miss in relationships with other hikers, views along way and once in a lifetime experiences by allowing myself to just focus on being miserable?
The days continued and I caught many hikers I knew who were ahead of me. I also met lots of new people as I moved from bubble to bubble up the trail. At the portion of the trail I had just finished in Virginia, I realized the intention to not quickly get from point A to point B, but rather to make myself comfortable on the trail and in the wilderness. Doing that has been successful for me. However, over the last two weeks I have also known more and more people start to abandon their thru-hike.
A photo posted by @ompihikes on Jun 10, 2016 at 6:55pm PDT
Just the other day I crossed over the 1/4 way mark then shortly thereafter over 730 miles. Recently I have been averaging a hundred miles every 5-6 days rather than every two weeks.
In the last week I have experienced some of the most beautiful sections as yet on the trail. There have been many beautiful sunrises and sunsets, lots of open pastures and views of valley towns from the mountains above, also some of the most famous Appalachian Trail landmarks like Angels Rest, the Dragons Tooth, McAfee Knob, Tinker Cliffs and the Blue Ridge Parkway.
My mother @laurielicari favorite from #McAfeeKnob #AppalachianTrail #at2016
A photo posted by @ompihikes on Jun 10, 2016 at 7:14pm PDT
Thank you all for your constant encouragement along the way. If you have any questions you would like me to address in future updates please feel free to connect with me on my social media.
Joshua “OmPi” Yearout began hiking the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine in April 2016. He will be sharing regular dispatches with You may also follow him on, and as he shares the summits, valleys and lessons he experiences along the way. He also shares more information on his blog.
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