The North And South Poles Have Become The Ultimate Travel Bucket List: Here’s How To Get There
Tourism in the polar regions is nothing new. It’s been available for decades. Historically polar travel, both in the Arctic and in Antarctica, was by cruise ships that sailed along the periphery of the polar icecaps.
Travelers could choose between relatively luxurious cruise ships that travelled through the region before returning to port or “expedition” cruises that allowed travelers to actually make a landfall. The latter ships were often old, converted icebreakers, typically Russian, that had been modified to carry guests.
Over the last decade, polar travel has changed dramatically. First of all, luxury “expedition” cruise ships have been launched by several cruise operators, most notably Ponant, Silversea and Viking.
Additionally, expedition cruising companies have transitioned from old converted icebreakers to luxury cruise ships specially designed to operate in polar environments.
Quark Expeditions, for example, recently launched the Ultramarine, an expedition ship that offers the same amenities and accommodations typical of luxury cruise ships but also comes with two onboard helicopters and a small fleet of Zodiacs.
Global warming has also been a factor in Arctic tourism, opening up new itineraries in the Canadian Arctic and the Greenland coast and making possible, although not reliably so, the transit of both the Northwest Passage across the Canadian Arctic from the Atlantic to the Pacific and the Northeast Passage across the Russian Arctic.
Russia has also opened travel in the Russian Arctic to tourists. Moscow historically blocked tourist access to that region for military reasons. Quark now offers an itinerary that traverses the Russian Arctic from Murmansk to Severnaya Zemlya.
It is the poles, however, which have become the ultimate bucket list travel destination. Today, it’s possible to travel to both the North Pole and the South Pole. It’s not cheap. Those two trips will each set you back between $30,000 and $100,000, but it’s a lot cheaper than it used to be. Those journeys will also put you in a very exclusive club. Only a few hundred tourists have traveled to both destinations.
One of the unusual aspects of polar travel is that the geographic position of the poles means that there’s multiple jumping off spots. Travel to the arctic regions typically begins in either Canada, Iceland, Norway (Tromsø) or Russia (Murmansk), while travel to Antarctica typically starts from Chile (Punta Arenas), Argentina (Ushuaia), Australia (Tasmania), New Zealand (Invergordon) or South Africa (Cape Town).
Recently, I sat down with a group of international tour operators to talk about the ins and outs of polar travel, and in particular traveling to the North and South Poles.
According to Wendy Batchelor, VP Marketing of Quark Expeditions:
Interest in polar travel has been growing in the last decade for a number of reasons. For many, the Polar Regions represent the last remaining frontiers to explore. These domains are largely unexplored. The opportunity to set foot in an exotic part of the world where few humans have been – if any – feeds the passions of many seasoned travelers.
As polar travel has grown exponentially, consumers are learning about the incredible adventures that await them in the Arctic and Antarctic. The wildlife in the Polar Regions (penguins, polar bears, birds – depending which Pole one visits) are absolutely stunning to view in their natural setting.
Increasingly, seasoned travelers’ book polar adventures because of the isolation of the polar regions. On a Quark Expedition voyage, for instance, there are no hugely populated ports on the itineraries in the Arctic or Antarctic, only small communities of Inuit peoples in the arctic and research bases in the Antarctic. In an era where health and safety are paramount, the Polar Regions are among the safest places to visit.
Jamie Lynn Ensey, Director of Marketing at Antarctica21, a Chile based travel operator, noted that:
There are more opportunities and routes to get to Antarctica than ever before. For example, Antarctica21 has made it possible to fly to Antarctica and join an expedition ship there. We have been offering that comfortable alternative since 2003, giving travelers a chance to skip the navigation across the Drake Passage and the associated discomfort.
Patrick Woodhead, the CEO of White Desert, a Cape Town, South Africa travel operator, also offers plane flights to the Antarctic continent. He’ll actually land you on the South Pole, giving you the opportunity to overnight in a luxury tented camp.
All three companies claim that American tourists typically take up about half the available spaces, with Chinese tourists taking up around a quarter and the balance scattered across a range of nationalities.
According to Batchelor,
In the past, Polar travelers have skewed toward the older generation – North Americans and Western Europeans who have the resources and time for expedition travel are often retired. But recent years have shifted the profile into anything but typical – we have guests in all age groups, and from very diverse cultural, religious and professional backgrounds. A major trend we are also noticing is solo travelers booking these expeditions.
Visiting the North and South Pole typically involves a combination of travel by sea or air. The specific combination will depend on the destination and your budget. According to Batchelor,
To reach the South Pole, travelers will need to book a small plane that can land on the ice near the pole, where they will be allowed to explore the research base there, weather permitting. These trips can start as high as USD $50,000 and up.
Patrick Woodhead’s, White Desert will fly you to the South Pole from Cape Town in a 12-passenger Gulfstream G550 business jet for roughly $90,000. Last year they ran around 20 trips and brought approximately 250 people to the South Pole. In total, he estimates that only a few thousand tourists have ever reached that destination.
The trip from Cape Town to Antarctica takes five hours, and the leg across Antarctica to the Pole takes another seven hours. The excursion to the South Pole is part of a longer eight-day itinerary.
Polar Explorers operates a seven-day itinerary that will fly you from Punta Arenas, Chile to the South Pole and overnight there for roughly $50,000.
Only a handful of tour operators offer flights to the South Pole. The International Association of Antarctica Tour Operator (IAATO) has a listing of all of the tour operators that are active in Antarctica. Their membership list is a good place to start if you are looking for Antarctic travel options.
Even if you are not planning to go as far as the South Pole, Antarctic travel still puts you in a very elite fraternity.
Antarctica21 does not offer trips to the South Pole, but they do offer journeys to other Antarctic destinations. According to Ensey, Antarctica received around 85,000 tourists a year. She also points out that expedition cruise ships are not allowed to discharge more than a hundred passengers at a time on the Antarctic continent. Booking on a smaller ship is essential if you hope to land on the continent.
Traveling to the North Pole is comparatively easier that the South Pole. For a complete listing of expedition cruise operators in the Arctic see the membership list of of the Association of Arctic Cruise Operators (AECO)
Polar Explorers will fly you to the North Pole from Longyearbyen, in Norway’s Svalbard Islands. The islands are located well above the Arctic Circle about halfway between North Cape, the northernmost point in Europe, and the North Pole. The two-and-a-half-hour flight lands at the floating Barneo Ice Station, located roughly 50 miles from the North Pole. The final leg from Barneo to the North Pole is a 45-minute helicopter trip. Polar Explorers offers a three-day trip for roughly $30,000.
The other alternative to reach the pole is by taking an expedition cruise ship/icebreaker from Murmansk, Russia for five to seven days. According to Batchelor,
Quark Expeditions is one of only 2 operators offering North Pole expeditions to tourists, and we typically run two trips each summer. The best way to reach the North Pole is onboard 50 Years Of Victory, one of the most powerful nuclear icebreakers in the world and crush your way through the frozen arctic ocean for 5-7 days until you reach 90°North. Once there, travelers spend a day walking on the ice, enjoying a special barbecue feast put on by the crew, and can even take a dip in the sub-zero ocean if they dare. The ship has a capacity of 160 guests.
Quark offers a 14-day North Pole expedition during the 2021 summer, starting at $31,995.
If you do want to travel to the Poles its best to start planning your trip well in advance, ideally two years. Space is limited. The operators typically offer substantial discounts if you book a year or more in advance. They also offer substantial discounts for last minute bookings in the event there is available space. If you schedule is flexible, and you can leave on a few days’ notice, this option can be very attractive.
In theory, you can do both Poles in the same year since the travel seasons mirror each other. If your wallet can handle that it would put you in a very rarefied club. It’s estimated that only a few dozen tourists have visited both poles in the same year.
There is only one last question. If you do make it to the Poles, what beverage will you celebrate with? According to most tour operators, Champagne is the first choice followed by vodka. The latter has a close association with cold environments, maybe because vodka is typically associated with Russia and Scandinavia.
You can even use polar ice to chill your martini. At the North Pole, it’s only likely to be around 5 to 10 years old, but at the South Pole, especially at the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station, you might be able to find incredibly dense ice that’s hundreds of years old. That would certainly make for an interesting martini. Given what it costs to get there, it would easily be the world’s most expensive cocktail.
Here’s to bottoms up at the bottom of the world.
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