2020: MY BEST YEAR EVER – Shaping Sheem

“I didn’t get a real Honeymoon, but in the end, I got sooo much more…”

I get it. 2020 was a horrible year. It all started four days before my birthday in January with the death of arguably the greatest basketball player the world had ever known in Kobe Bryant. Then, what seemed like a ripple in a pond, became a tidal wave in an ocean unlike anything we had ever seen. As of Dec 30th 2020, the Coronavirus had killed 1.8 million people globally and everything we deemed “Normal”, wasn’t. Kids were no longer allowed to go to schools and had to learn virtually from home. Millions lost their jobs as places we took for granted like movie theaters and restaurants were completely shut down. We couldn’t travel anywhere. Gatherings were extremely limited. American heroes like Ruth Bader Ginsburg and John Lewis were taken from us. Celebrity icons like Regis Philbin, Little Richard, Sean Connery, Alex Trebeck, Deebo, and Chadwick Boseman all lost their lives. That’s right, 2020 had killed Black Panther and so many more. Then there was the death of a man who no one knew before 2020 but will never forget after. The death of George Floyd sparked the biggest civil rights protest in the country, ever. Riots in the streets of the countries most major cities lasted for weeks. Manhattan, known as the center of the world, looked like a war zone. And in the midst of all this madness, 2020 was MY best year ever.

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