AIDA Cruises Extends Pause of Its Cruise Season Until End of February 2021
WHY IT RATES: Amid COVID-19’s resurgence in Europe and AIDA Cruises’ winter destination countries, and lockdowns and restrictions that have been imposed as a result, the company finds it necessary to cancel all departures through the end of February 2021. — Laurie Baratti, TravelPulse Associate Writer
The extension of the lockdown in Germany until at least January 31, 2021, and a further tightening of the measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the restriction of the radius of movement in areas with high incidence rates or the further limitation of private contacts, have led to further restrictions of public life and international travel.
As a result, AIDA Cruises, unfortunately, must cancel all seven-day cruises with AIDAperla and AIDAmar around the Canary Islands through the end of February 2021. The company hopes to continue the Canary Islands season as of March 6, 2021, after the infection situation in Germany has eased significantly.
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For all other countries in the winter destinations of AIDA Cruises, the call of cruise ships is not permitted until further notice. Therefore, AIDA unfortunately must also cancel all cruises with AIDAprima in the Orient planned for winter 2021, including the transit voyage from Dubai to Palma (Mallorca).
The first Mediterranean cruise with AIDAstella will start on March 6, 2021. AIDAsol will cast off for its first trip to the metropolises of Northern Europe on March 6, 2021, as well.
The transit cruise with AIDAsol from Palma (Mallorca) to Hamburg planned for February 19, 2021, has to be canceled, as well as the voyages to Norway with AIDAcara and AIDAaura between February 20 up to and including April 3, 2021, (AIDAcara) and March 27, 2021 (AIDAaura).
All guests whose voyage cannot take place as originally scheduled will be informed immediately.
AIDA very much wants guests to enjoy their long-awaited AIDA holidays at a later date. To this end, the company offers rebooking options from its diverse range of cruises.
For more information, visit
SOURCE: AIDA Cruises press release.
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