Planning an international trip? Get ready to show a negative coronavirus test to board your flight home

proof of a negative coronavirustest or recovery from COVID-19 before boarding an international flight to the U.S., effective Jan. 26. Airlines are required to deny boarding to those who don’t.

Currently, only travelers bound for the United States from the United Kingdom have to present a negative test, a requirement that has been in place only since Dec. 28.

International travel has been decimated by the pandemic, with most European countries off limits to Americans and U.S. restrictions keeping most international visitors away. 

But pandemic vacationers have flocked to beach destinations that have reopened to tourists, including the Caribbean and Mexico. Some Caribbean destinations require proof of a negative coronavirus test to enter and have other restrictions, but Mexico does not.

The new requirement, which comes amid a surge in coronavirus cases in the U.S., means international travelers face another layer of restrictions.

What international travelers need to know about CDC’s new COVID-19 test rule

Question: Does the testing requirement apply to U.S. citizens?

Answer: Yes, it applies to all airline passengers ages 2 and older bound for the United States, including visitors, citizens and legal permanent residents.

Q: Do passengers on flights from the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico have to get tested? 

A: No. U.S. territories are excluded from the CDC requirement.

Q: What kind of test do I need and when?

A: Travelers must get a viral test – antigen tests and nucleic acid amplification tests such as a PCR test qualify, but antibody tests don’t – no more than three days before their flight departs and bring paper or electronic proof to the airport. Those who have tested positive for the virus within the past three months before travel can bypass the test requirement if they bring proof they have recovered from the virus and are cleared to travel by a licensed health care provider or health official.

Q: How can I prove I recovered from COVID-19? 

A: Bring your positive test result and a letter from your health care provider or a public health official that says you have been cleared for travel, the CDC says.

Q: I’ve had a COVID-19 vaccine. Am I exempt?

A: No.

Q: Who is going to enforce this?

A: Airlines. They are still working out the details but will ask for proof at check-in. On flights from the U.K., for example, United Airlines asks for documentation in the ticket lobby. The CDC says passengers without negative test results or proof they have recovered from COVID-19 will be denied boarding. Those who provide false information are subject to criminal fines and imprisonment, the agency said. 

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