Top 4 Places to Get Plastered With a Bucket in Southeast Asia
Before, we even get into the list, some of you may already be asking, what’s a bucket? Buckets are children’s sand castle building tools which carry sand. Wait, you already knew that. So what’s it really? What makes them different in Southeast Asia is their contents. Instead of sand, buckets contain alcohol and a lot of it. Anywhere that can possibly be considered a party spot in Southeast Asia has buckets on the menu. They are a mainstay and here are the best places to find them as well as the best places to party after you’ve consumed a few.
#4 Sihanoukville, Cambodia Sort of the wildcard in our bucket bunch, Sihanoukville is a newer Southeast Asian backpacker destination that is rapidly increasing in popularity. New roads are popping up everywhere bringing more and more travelers to Cambodia’s most popular beach resort destination. It’s not quite Thailand (yet), and maybe that’s a good thing. Prices are still much cheaper as its commonplace to drink 50 cent beers for happy hour, sometimes lower. But we’re talking about buckets here and Sihanoukville has those a plenty. Jump on a booze cruise and sail around turquoise waters or let the evening take you to the beach where dancing with sands between your toes is the norm.
#3 Koh Phi Phi, Thailand Scenes from Lenardo DeCaprio’s “The Beach” popularized this island paradise a decade ago and its only grown in popularity since. Thousands flock here to see the actual beach Leonardo traveled to on his crazy Thailand adventure and each one of them are looking for a good time. By day, you can enjoy the island’s beautiful palm fringed beaches or look beneath the water’s surface, but at night, its time to grab a bucket. Everyone flocks to the clubs lining the beach and dances their faces off and the night away. One too many buckets? Maybe climbing the 10+ foot pole in the middle of the dance floor isn’t such a good idea.
#2 Tubing in Vang Vieng, Laos Vang Vieng is a little harder to get to and much further off the main tourists circuit than most of our other bucket destinations, but that’s part of its charm. It’s attracts a rougher backpacker scene but don’t think for a second that takes away from the party. Conversely, it makes it crazier. How crazy? I think this is the most ridiculous party in Asia. Floating down a river and stopping off at shoreline bars to down buckets at an alarming rate. Only to be tossed into the flowing river via all sorts of zipline and rope swing contraptions. This place is the real deal.
#1 Full Moon Party, Koh Phangan, Thailand Who hasn’t heard of the Full Moon Party? It’s become the ultimate party destination in the entire region. Held on the full moon of each month, the beach town of Haad Rinn’s population goes through the roof overnight as thousands descend upon it’s beaches for the time of their lives. Buckets are literally around every turn and stall selling them line the beach between the bars. Grab one for a good time as you dance the night away among fire dancers and glowing painted faces.
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