How to Deal with Insurance Companies After an Accident

How to Deal with Insurance Companies After an Accident

Insurance Companies are gamblers. They bet that their subscribers won’t get hurt, won’t trigger an accident or be in one, and therefore won’t collect benefits . That’s how they create their huge corporate profits . Especially in the situation of auto insurance, where people are required to carry insurance by law, they earn money hand over fist because everyone is paying for insurance, and only some of them have accidents. The problem with the system is that insurance companies do anything and everything to avoid paying out money.

Being in a car or truck accident can be more serious than we generally perceive it to be. The risk for concussion, fractures of the vertebrae and significant strain from whiplash are very prevalent injuries sustained from these types of accidents. The trauma of a car accident often leaves the victim with temporary effects that impair cognitive function and leave you feeling groggy, a fact well known by insurance companies who frequently contact automobile accident victims and try to get a statement right on the heels of a significant accident.

Dealing with Insurance Companies

Insurance companies do this to catch the person when they are incapable of thinking or expressing themselves plainly, and may possibly be incapable of remembering precisely what happened in a full and factual way.

If an attorney or insurance representative contacts you, just remember this phrase:

  • “I’ve just been in a serious accident and I know I can’t have this discussion right now.”

Once you’ve said that, just hang up the phone, or close the door against their harassment. Remember that no one can force you to give a statement or sign a document. So don’t let anybody intimidate you when you’re feeling woozy, or may possibly have a concussion. Having a personal injury lawyer on your side can make all the difference in ensuring you don’t get harassed by the other guy’s insurance company.

If you or a family member has recently been injured in a car accident:

1. Seek appropriate medical attention immediately, and follow the doctor’s advice to help yourself recover from your injuries as rapidly as possible

2. Notify your insurance provider that you have been in an accident but never talk to anyone who contacts you who is with the other driver’s insurance company

3. Hire an attorney to protect you and represent your interests right away

Contact a Sonoma County Attorney to talk about your case

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