Making the Most of the British Autumn

The months of September, October and November are by no means a bad time to enjoy the UK and what it has to offer its residents and visitors. Autumn is, in fact, an excellent season to indulge in outdoor pursuits, mouthwatering local cuisine, and some of the year’s most exciting cultural occasions.

Seasonal Events

Bonfire Night is a great British celebration of fireworks and bonfires, originally associated with the historic arrest of Guy Fawkes who had plotted to kill King James I. Held on the 5th November, the occasion sees families and friends revel either in their own gardens or at public celebrations throughout the country, patiently awaiting the spectacular fireworks shows at the end of the night.

Now in its tenth year, the Enchanted Forest is a family-friendly outdoor sound and light show in Pitlochry, Scotland. Throughout the month of October, ticket-bearing visitors can ramble through the illuminated forest to the rhythm of sounds and music. It’s proven to be a spectacular show, and as such has won tourism industry awards.

Seasonal Cuisine

So many fruits and vegetables are in season at this time of the year, and they are perfect for throwing together a hearty, warming meal after a day out in the cold. Wholesome veg like turnips, celeriac, pumpkin, and parsnips are the perfect ingredients for broths and stews, and fruit such as apples, elderberries, pears, and quince make for delicious crumbles.

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