Living the Childhood Dream of Non-Stop Travel

London, UK — (SBWIRE) — 08/02/2013 — Everyone loves to travel. There is an element of excitement and fun, of adventure and mystery in any journey. The anticipation of the journey is half the fun. People travel to relax, to meet friends and family. A trip could be to celebrate an anniversary or it could be a honeymoon trip, symbolizing the beginning of a new life. Or it could be because they just love to travel, pure and simple. Travel can be a life changing experience, no matter what the reason.

People who travel can be placed in two categories, the tourists and the travellers. The difference between the two is that travellers want to understand the location that they are exploring and find out what everyday life is like there. Tourists on the other hand, only touch on the surface of any location. They generally do not get involved with the locals or their thoughts and beliefs. Savannah Décage, a self-confessed travel addict and editor of TravelButterfly magazine, is a traveller and explorer. As she said “Travel is freedom and freedom is the quintessential path to sustainable happiness.”

Travelling is her passion and to be able to realize her dream of travelling around the world she has made an enormous change in her life. As Savannah told us “I am starting my freedom revolution and hope to inspire other people to join me in a social change. I want to inspire people to reassess their lives and values, to gain courage to challenge and change personal prospectives.” Her new thought concept has brought about a social change in her life. She has sold or given away everything she owns except for what she needs on her travels. Her plan is to embark on a non-stop trip around the world carrying only the basic things she needs in a carry on backpack. The readers of her magazine will be kept updated about the travels on The videos from the travels will be posted on TravelButterfly’s YouTube channel

Travelling challenges concepts and thoughts. It changes the way the world is viewed and that brings changes within ones self. For those who want to see a change their lives, it is possible to find inspiration in Savannah Décage’s bold move to change her life style to follow a dream. Following her in her travels, either through the website or in real life, will give anyone the courage to start their own freedom revolution and find what they seek.

More About TravelButterfly e-zine
TravelButterfly Magazine was created by Savannah Décage who travels around the world alone exploring culture and communities. She offers many tips on how to enjoy travel, covering topics such as how to travel alone, safety and how to increase your confidence to change your life. With her inspirational Travel Magazine, she wants to share inspirational travel information and new thought strategies to encourage peak performance in peoples lives.

Telephone: +44(0)7508606 078
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Contact information:
Name: Savannah Décage
Telephone: +44(0)7508606 078
Address: 2, Sydenham Hill, London, England, UK, SE26 6LR
Skype: IntrepidButterfly

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