India: Security Forces Deployed to Uttar Pradesh

By dani | Permalink
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| September 12th, 2013 | Trackback

Clashes left at least 30 dead and prompted the deployment of thousands of police officers and army troops to Northern India Sept. 9. The violence flared after the Aug. 27 killing of two Hindu youths about 80 miles north of New Delhi, in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Nearly 5,000 farmers gathered to demand justice and clashes between Hindu and Muslim groups turned deadly when many used knives, sticks, bricks, stones, swords and iron rods during the fighting that lasted two days. Uttar Pradesh has experienced the highest number of deaths from religious violence in the country over the past three years. Visitors should use caution in the area, which has seen nearly 2,000 clashes in recent years, and follow local news about further riots.

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