Experience Aruba
There may be no more delightful way to go Dutch than spending a week, or two or three, on Aruba. Physically it’s not large — barely twice the size of New York’s Manhattan island, which was settled and named by one of Aruba’s governors, Peter Stuyvesant — it has big potential, especially if you love blue waves and white sand. This former colony of the Netherlands is a favorite stop of cruise passengers, about one million of them a year, and many Americans get their first glimpse of the island from the deck of a ship.
Even a whole day ashore is just that, a glimpse, of Aruba. Staying in one of the many resorts clustered along the beach-rimmed western coast will open a whole new perspective, and just might make you an Aruba-holic: Going flat-out adrenaline junkie on high-voltage sailing, windsurfing and kiteboarding one day and mellowing out under the umbrella on world-class Eagle Beach the next with plenty of bon kuminda in between. That means “good food” in Papiamento, the local language.
While most Arubans also speak Dutch, English and Spanish, Papiamento is the island’s own language, a mellifluous mashup of Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and West African. Those same influences shaped the local culture and its architecture; the capital and main settlement Oranjestad has many Dutch West Indies buildings with distinctive brightly colored exteriors and plaster ornaments.
This tropical-tinged, vaguely Dutch style extends to the Aruban people, too. They’re definitely not affected by the three Rs that afflict many tourist destinations (rules, rudeness and resentment). Arubans are tolerant, very friendly and happy to help you have a good time. They like to party, too, and unlike some other places, you’ll find the restaurants, clubs and beaches filled with affable Arubans.
If you’re hoping for some alone time, you won’t have to go far to get it. Aruba is positioned northwest to southeast and shaped a bit like an arrowhead, with the point almost touching the coast of Venezuela just 15 miles away. The protected southwest side has the beaches and low, flat land suited for development. The northeast side catches the constant trade wind that blows from east to west. It features a crenellated screen of hills that drop off to a coast that is rough, rock-strewn and exotic. In between lies an arid, hilly expanse perfect for hiking, mountain biking and four-wheeling fun.
If you’re wondering how Arubans eat, the answer is very well, thank you. You can dine within your comfort zone on fresh fish, steaks and pizza, but if you venture just a little bit further you may discover some new favorites. Bolita de Keshi is a deep-fried cheese ball (go with it, you’re on vacation); the ubiquitous arepa is a crusty corn roll stuffed with meat, eggs or tuna salad; Bitterbal is a fried croquette made with ham, beef, shrimp or chicken or even rijsttafel or “rice table,” an Indonesian tradition imported by the Dutch.
Tip: Despite being officially part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the local currency is the Aruba florin. Many businesses will accept U.S. dollars, but they may return your change in florins. Like all exchange rates, the rate does fluctuate, but is relatively stable. To estimate a price denominated in florins, divide the number of florins in half and add 10%; that should approximate the price in U.S. dollars.
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